Sidewalk ministry
Training Webinars and resources
Sidewalk Ministry Basic Training:
Sidewalk Ministry Advanced Training Webinar #1: “What to Say on the Sidewalk”
Sidewalk Ministry Advanced Training Webinar #2: “How to Utilize the Best Sidewalk Resources”
Sidewalk Ministry Advanced Training Webinar #3: “How to Utilize Baby Registries and Baby Showers”
Sidewalk Ministry Advanced Training Webinar #4: “How to Achieve Full Sidewalk Coverage Year Round”
Grassroots Sidewalk Resources:

Great Signs for the Sidewalk!
All four of these signs serves a good particular purpose. “Love Will End Child Killing” is great for public witness to those driving by. “You Are Not Alone! We Can Help You.” is perfect to direct to the women just showing up for their appointment, while the “Abortion Pill Reversal” and “Support After Abortion” signs are helpful for those leaving the abortion center.

“We’re Here for You” Sidewalk Pamphlet
This is the sidewalk pamphlet used by Pro-Life Action Ministries in St. Paul, MN. It was designed specifically for those entering abortion centers by a team of veteran sidewalk counselors with extensive sidewalk counseling experience. It is brief and easy to read, yet it covers many aspects of the abortion decision and includes information about reversing the abortion pill (RU-486, “medication abortion”) and stopping second- and third-trimester abortion procedures.

“This is Not Your Only Choice” Street Magazine
An outstanding resource for sidewalk counseling from Human Life Alliance. It is well designed for reaching a young woman entering an abortion center.

“Pure Manhood” Booklet
A great gift to give to any men you encounter on the sidewalk. It shares the nature of human sexuality and the virtue of sexual integrity to men in a relatable way.

“Pure Womanhood” Booklet
A terrific booklet to give to women you encounter who are going into Planned Parenthood for “other reasons” or even after an abortion (along with the Support After Abortion card). Tell her she’s beautiful and made for a beautful purpose.

“Support After Abortion” Card
A great way to offer hope after abortion with the simple message, “we love you” and/or “when you’re ready, there are people who’ve been through it here, ready to help, all confidential.” Card
We are also on the sidewalk to reach out in love and help the abortion workers (but for the grace of God, go I). Let them know “there’s a path available to a new job and a new life at”
Call 1-888-570-5501 to order.

“All Black Lives Matter” Card
Terrific brochure for handing out to educate passersby and people in the community. It presents the facts about the current black genocide in America and encourages them to watch Maafa 21.

“I Thirst for You…” Prayer Pamphlet
This little pamphlet is great seed to hand out on the sidewalk as a way to communicate the authentic love of Jesus to those you encounter.