Love Will End Abortion - Show #15

Kathleen Gallagher is a Catholic wife and mother who serves as the Director of Pro-Life Activities of the New York State Catholic Conference based in Albany, NY. Mrs. Gallagher represents New York State’s Roman Catholic Bishops in presenting the Church’s life-related policy positions to legislators, the media, and other external groups statewide.
In her 34 years with the New York State Catholic Conference, Ms. Gallagher has won Diocesan awards for her good work and she continues to publish many articles, and present on life-related issues at Catholic dioceses, parishes, and schools.
In this episode of Love Will End Abortion: Kathleen speaks about physician-assisted suicide and a push to legalize it in New York State, what people can do to combat the legalization of physician-assisted suicide, how a state Catholic conference functions, and attempts to expand legalized abortion in New York State.
Watch this personal testimony on terminal illness and physician-assisted suicide:
Trent Horn answers a caller who is in favor of doctor-assisted suicide: