Show 16 Wesley J. Smith

Love Will End Abortion - Show #16 Wesley J. Smith is a prolific author, lawyer, international lecturer and public speaker, one of the nation’s premier expert thinkers in...

Show 15 Kathleen Gallagher

Love Will End Abortion - Show #15 Kathleen Gallagher is a Catholic wife and mother who serves as the Director of Pro-Life Activities of the New York State Catholic...

Show 14 Dr. Anthony Levatino

Love Will End Abortion - Show #14 Dr. Anthony Levatino has practiced obstetrics and gynecology since 1980. As a part of his medical training, Dr. Levatino was taught to do...

Flags to Half-Staff

One of the primary reasons abortion continues is because we do not recognize and treat pre-born human beings as human beings equal in value to all other human beings.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a governmental agency within the U.S....