Abby Johnson was once the director for the third largest Planned Parenthood facility in the U.S. and is now a powerful pro-life advocate. As the CEO/Founder of And Then There Were None, Abby leads a very effective pro-life organization that has helped hundreds of abortion workers to leave the abortion industry, including seven full-time abortionists. Abby is also the best-selling author of Unplanned and The Walls Are Talking.
Love Will End Abortion - Show #24
Show #24 – Topics Covered:
- The vocation of wife and mother
- Takeaways from Abby’s latest interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight
- Abby’s Contraception Articles:
- Helping abortion workers heal after leaving the abortion industry
- What would Abby tell her 18-year-old self?
- Article: We Cannot Help Women Reject Abortion By Screaming At Them
- How to use graphic images/abortion victim photography in front of an abortion facility
- What is the place of civil disobedience in ending abortion?
- And Then There Were None Website
Love Will End Abortion - Show #22
Show #22 – Topics Covered:
- Update with Abby: Birth of twin girls in May, 2017 Pro-Life Women’s Conference
- Abby’s Facebook Page
- Reading, PA School Board and Planned Parenthood “health resource center” in Reading High School: Live Action article, local news report, Students for Life update
- Former abortionist, Carol Evert Blood Money clip
- TOBET’s Theology of the Body for Tots
- Ascension Press’s YOU. (Theology of the Body for Teens), Theology of the Body for Middle School
- Video on Flags to Half-Staff for the 3,000 Daily Pre-born Victims Killed by Abortion
Love Will End Abortion - Show #12
Show #12 – Topics Covered:
- Update with Abby: pregnancy progressing with twin girls (due in May); And Then There Were None busy helping more and more workers leave the abortion industry, and preparing for healing retreat this Summer.
- How to reach out to abortion workers. About 70% of abortion workers who leave the abortion industry through And Then There Were None hear about ATTWN from the pro-life people praying outside of the abortion facility. You can find resources at AbortionWorker.com.
- National Day of Prayer and Protest Against Planned Parenthood, April 28th and 29th – ProtestPP.com for more info
- Desensitization to abortion, discouragement, spiritual battle, and need for pro-life community
- What to say to family members who support Planned Parenthood
- Debunking Planned Parenthood myths
Love Will End Abortion - Show #8
Show #8 – Topics Covered:
- Update with Abby: pregnancy progressing with twin girls (9.5 weeks to go), still travelling and speaking. And Then There Were None helped four or five more abortion workers leave the abortion industry this month.
- Defunding and exposing Planned Parenthood
- Death and injury abortion industry cover-ups
- Daily prayer to end abortion
- Does Planned Parenthood provide any cancer screenings?
- In recent mainstream media interview, Planned Parenthood VP refuses to answer whether a human “fetus” is human.
- What does the existence of legalized abortion say about our government?
- Conscience protections in the medical field