Rebecca Kiessling is an international speaker who shares her story of having been conceived in rape. She was conceived before Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, and therefore, as a child in her mother’s womb, she was protected by law.

Rebecca is now an advocate for every pre-born child, including the so-called “hard cases,” of which, as a pre-born child, she would have been included.

This category of so-called “hard cases” that many often speak of refers to: children conceived by rape or incest, children with a prenatal diagnosis, children with special needs, or children with Down syndrome. The idea here is that certain situations are too hard for the pregnant mom, for the family, or even for the child in the womb, and therefore abortion (the direct, intentional killing of the child in the womb) is somehow justified in order to reduce suffering. It’s an evil and barbaric idea that leads to murdering human beings in the name of compassion. Yet, it is also a popular idea in our time that is being pushed with considerable money and power throughout our culture, specifically throughout the fields of law, medicine, politics, education, and entertainment, thus deceiving large numbers of people throughout our nation and throughout the world.

Rebecca Kiessling is a voice of sanity and grace pushing back against the culture of death by proclaiming the truth as the founder and president of Save the 1, a pro-life organization with the mission to educate everyone on why all pre-born children should be protected by law and accepted by society, without exception and without compromise. 

Rebecca is also an attorney, wife, and mother with five children in their home, the two oldest are adopted (same birth mother), three biological daughters, and three in Heaven: their baby Cassie, an adopted daughter born with special needs who died in their arms tragically at 33 days old, and two additional babies lost to miscarriage.

Rebecca is the National Spokeswoman for Personhood USA and for National Personhood Alliance. She’s also the recipient of the Feminists For Life award: “Remarkable Pro-Life Woman.”