Stand Out for Life

Peaceful Public Witness and Prayer for the End of Abortion

Next Stand Out for Life - March 28, 2020








put Your pro-life convictions into effective local action

Can you love enough to stand out for 90-minutes monthly to help hasten the end of abortion? Of course you can!

Coffee Bean


Where two or three are gathered (Mt. 18:20), right? What about two or three hundred? Prayer changes things.

Coffee Bean

Public Witness

Standing up in large numbers on behalf of “the least of these” has a powerful impact on hearts and minds in our local communities, beginning with our own.

Coffee Bean

Launching Pad

Gain encouragement and inspiration to go forth with greater love and renewed strength to help build a culture of life throughout the rest of the month. 

Will You Love enough to stand out?

We must have a sense of magnitude and priority – real children are being directly, intentionally killed and by the thousands every day in our nation by abortion; real pregnant moms in need are being exploited for profit by the thousands every day in our nation by abortion.

It’s happening on our watch and in our backyard.

Take out your calendar and mark off every 4th Saturday from 9-10:30AM. Then spread the word and show up. You are needed!

Largest Event

Local Endorsements

But for the grace of god, Go I

Ours is a mission of mercy, not judgment. As long as these abortion centers of death and lies are open for “business,” we must pray and work to transform the sidewalks outside into occasions of grace by being present as the hands and feet of Christ for all those going in and out, including the abortion workers.

We must come out of our churches for love of God and neighbor, and together provide an authentic Christian witness to the world.

They will know we are Christians by our love (John 13:35).

Full List of Local Rochester, NY Stand Out for Life Endorsements:

Fr. Anthony Amato

Fr. Dennis Bonsignore

Fr. Kenneth Breen, O. de M.

Fr. Richard Brickler

Fr. Roman Caly

Fr. Joe Catanise

Fr. Michael Copenhagen

Fr. Walter Cushing

Fr. William Endres

Fr. Michael Fowler

Fr. Lance Gonyo

Fr. Jim Hewes

Fr. William Leone

Fr. Mike Mayer

Fr. Mickey McGrath

Fr. Justin Miller

Fr. Peter Mottola

Fr. Tony Mugavero

Fr. Matthew Phelan, O. de M.

Fr. Evan Simington

Fr. Edison Tayag

Fr. Joseph Trovato, CSB

Fr. Peter Van Lieshout

Fr. Robert Werth

Dr. John Walker

Pastor David Branch

Pastor John and Laura Ebel

Pastor Jim Lagnese

Pastor Tim Lindsay

Pastor Gary and Joan Pfeiffer

Pastor Bruce Plummer

Pastor Michael and Shelia Vaughn

Pastor Mike and Jean Warren

Rev. Leonard Jones

Deacon Mark and Marcia Bovenzi

Deacon John and Belinda Brasley

Deacon Gregory and Elena Kiley

Deacon Ed and Pam Knauf

Deacon Claude and Ellen Lester

Deacon Dennis and Barb Lohouse

Deacon Dick and Rose Marie Lombard

Deacon Michael and Dr. Angela Kristan

Deacon Bruno Petrauskas

Deacon Frank and Elizabeth Pettrone

Deacon Jeff Serbicki

Deacon Lon Smith

Deacon Jim and Carol Steiger

Deacon Tom Uschold

Deacon Mike and Audrey Zuber

Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Rochester

Mercedarian Friars of LeRoy

The Sisters of Mercy

Ancient Order of Hibernians

Knights of Columbus Council #4691

Knights of Columbus Council #13194

Community leaders willing to endorse the monthly Stand Out for Life, please email

Stand Out for Life is an initiative of Love Will End Abortion and is led by a coalition of local organizations that includes ROC Love Will End Abortion, Am I Not A Child?, Quest for Life, The Frederick Douglass Foundation of NY, and Students for Life in Rochester.

Stand out for life

Every 4th Saturday

9AM -10:30AM

Rochester, NY

Outside of the headquarters of Planned Parenthood of Central and Western NY: 114 University Avenue, 14605







P.O. Box 16777
Rochester, NY 14616