Love Will End Abortion - Show #87

Tony Maas is a Catholic husband and father, married to his wife Barb for 37 years, they are the proud parents of five children and several grandchildren.
Tony is also President and CEO of JTM Food Group, a family owned and operated business spanning four generations, and President and a founding member of Ruah Woods and Ruah Woods Press.
Ruah Woods is a “first of its kind” Theology of the Body education center located in Cincinnati, Ohio with the mission of helping men and women live their vocation to love, according to God’s plan, as informed by the Theology of the Body.
In 2018, Ruah Woods Press launched ROOTED, a K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum.

Monica Ashour is the Founder, Author, and Executive Director of The Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET).
TOBET was founded in 2001 by a grassroots group of people to promulgate St. John Paul’s message of hope and healing to a world in need. The founders were educators and parents who recognized a calling to spread the Theology of the Body to people of all ages in a holistic way.

Leila Miller is a Catholic wife and mother. Her and her husband have eight children and several grandchildren.
Leila is the author of Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues, Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice Mom to Mom, and Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak.